What is the standard method for generating a nonce in Python?

For most practical purposes this gives very good nonce:

import uuid
# 'b46290528cd949498ce4cc86ca854173'

uuid4() uses os.urandom() which is best random you can get in python.

Nonce should be used only once and hard to predict. Note that uuid4() is harder to predict than uuid1() whereas later is more globally unique. So you can achieve even more strength by combining them:

uuid.uuid4().hex + uuid.uuid1().hex
# 'a6d68f4d81ec440fb3d5ef6416079305f7a44a0c9e9011e684e2c42c0319303d'

While this probably does not exist at the time of this question creation, Python 3.6 introduced the secrets module which is meant for generating cryptographically strong random numbers suitable for managing data such as passwords, account authentication, security tokens, and related secrets.

In this case, generating a nonce can be generated easily (here a base64 encoded string):

nonce = secrets.token_urlsafe()

Alternatives are token_bytes to get a binary token or token_hex to get an hexadecimal string.