What is the TikZ equivalent for the following PSTricks code? Drawing a free fall diagram
My suggestion. First it's not necessary to place the axe at 1.5. You can use 0 and if you need to add other objects then you can shift with a scope. I used \sisetup
to get a light code. As you can see you can remove \Yfinal
. The nodes tmp have the same width so it's possible to place the circle relatively to tmp.east. With this way it's possible to scale the picture. Personally I prefer \node at (x,y)
instead of \draw (x,y) node
round-mode = places,
round-precision = 1}% possible numprint
% constants
\begin{tikzpicture}% [scale=.5] possible with the next code
\draw (0,0) -- (0,{\y(\Tfinal)}); % you don't nedd to use \Yfinal
\foreach \n in {0.0,0.5,...,\Tfinal}
\draw (-0.1,{\y(\n)}) -- (0.1,{\y(\n)});
\node[left] at (-0.25,{\y(\n)}) {\pgfmathparse{\y(\n)}\SI{\pgfmathresult}{\meter}};
\node[right] (tmp) at (0.25,{\y(\n)}) {$t=\SI{\n}{\second}$};
\fill ([xshift=.25 cm]tmp.east) circle (5pt);
\draw (1.5,0) -- (1.5,\Yfinal);
\foreach \n in {0.0,0.5,...,\Tfinal}
\draw ({1.25},{\y(\n)}) node[anchor=east] {\pgfmathparse{\y(\n)}\FPeval\temp{round(\pgfmathresult:1)}$\SI{\temp}{\meter}$};
\draw ({1.4},{\y(\n)}) -- ({1.6},{\y(\n)});
\draw ({1.75},{\y(\n)}) node[anchor=west] {\pgfmathparse{\n}\FPeval\temp{round(\pgfmathresult:1)}$t=\SI{\temp}{\second}$};
\draw[fill=black] ({3.5},{\y(\n)}) circle (5pt);
As SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=1]...
changes 0.0
to 0
and \pgfmathprintnumberto[precision=1]{\pgfmathresult}{\temp}
produces a numerical format that is not compatible with \SI
now I use \FPeval
as a fallback.
Just in case if anyone would like to learn Asymptote
as well, freefall.asy
real g=9.81; // g constant
int n=5; // number of time points
real dt=0.5; // time interval
real tmax=(n-1)*dt;
real h(real t){return t^2*g/2;}; // h(t) function
pair top=(0,0);
pair bottom=(0,-h(tmax));
real dx=0.6; // half of the tick width
guide tickMark=((-dx,0)--(dx,0)); // tick mark line
pair pos;
Label L;
real ballX=5; // x- coordinate of the ball
real ballR=0.5; // ball radius
path ball=scale(ballR)*unitcircle; // the ball outline
pen startColor=darkblue;
pen finalColor=orange;
pen ballColor(int i, int n){ // interpolates the color at i-th time reading
return (n-1.0-i)/(n-1.0)*startColor+i/(n-1.0)*finalColor;
guide shadeScale=scale(0.6,1)*box((-dx,0),(dx,-h(tmax))); // shade scale outline
axialshade(shadeScale, // axial shading of the shade scale outline
startColor+0.3*white, top, // start color & position
finalColor+0.3*white, bottom // final color & position
transform toBallPos;
real t=0.0;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i){
// draw(shift(pos)*tickMark,white+1.6pt);
radialshade(toBallPos*ball, // transform is applied by "*" on the left
To get a standalone freefall.pdf
, run asy -f pdf freefall.asy