What is your preferred style for naming variables in R?

I did a survey of what naming conventions that are actually used on CRAN that got accepted to the R Journal :) Here is a graph summarizing the results:

enter image description here

Turns out (no surprises perhaps) that lowerCamelCase was most often used for function names and period.separated names most often used for parameters. To use UpperCamelCase, as advocated by Google's R style guide is really rare however, and it is a bit strange that they advocate using that naming convention.

The full paper is here:


Underscores all the way! Contrary to popular opinion, there are a number of functions in base R that use underscores. Run grep("^[^\\.]*$", apropos("_"), value = T) to see them all.

I use the official Hadley style of coding ;)

Good previous answers so just a little to add here:

  • underscores are really annoying for ESS users; given that ESS is pretty widely used you won't see many underscores in code authored by ESS users (and that set includes a bunch of R Core as well as CRAN authors, excptions like Hadley notwithstanding);

  • dots are evil too because they can get mixed up in simple method dispatch; I believe I once read comments to this effect on one of the R list: dots are a historical artifact and no longer encouraged;

  • so we have a clear winner still standing in the last round: camelCase. I am also not sure if I really agree with the assertion of 'lacking precendent in the R community'.

And yes: pragmatism and consistency trump dogma. So whatever works and is used by colleagues and co-authors. After all, we still have white-space and braces to argue about :)