What kind of integral is this?

With the help of the bigints package (cf. Big integral sign), and some negative space, using Steven's code as a starting point.

enter image description here

\mathit{Life} = \hspace{-0.8em} \bigint_{\mathit{birth}}^{\mathit{death}}\hspace{-2.5em}\frac{\mathit{happiness}}{\mathit{time}} \Delta \mathit{time}

Using bigints is a good start. Negative kerning is then needed around the equality and before the fraction.

Sample output


\usepackage[osf]{Baskervaldx} % tosf in text, tlf in math


  \textit{Life} \mkern-2mu = \mkern-18mu
  \bigints_{\textit{birth}}^{\textit{death}} \mkern-42mu
  \frac{\textit{happiness}}{\textit{time}} \,\Delta \textit{time}


Here's a start.

\mathit{Life} = \int_\mathit{birth}^\mathit{death}\frac{\mathit{happiness}}{\mathit{time}} \Delta \mathit{time}

enter image description here

More refined:

\mathit{Life} {\,=} \!\!\!\!\vcenter{\hbox{%

enter image description here

