What MongoDB user privileges do I need to add a user to a new/another mongo database?

The mistake made was that I was using an userAdminAnyDatabase user that was NOT in the admin database (see this note). So there MUST be a database called admin on your server! As the documentation says for the "AnyDatabase" privileges:

If you add any of these roles to a user privilege document outside of the admin database, the privilege will have no effect.

So you must:

  • add a userAdminAnyDatabase to the admin db

    $ mongo admin
    > db.createUser({ user: "myadmin", pwd: "1234", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase"] })
  • turn on authentication

    auth = true
    setParameter = enableLocalhostAuthBypass=0
  • connect using the new myadmin user to any database you want and add further users:

    $ mongo another -u myadmin -p 1234
    > db.createUser({ user: "user", pwd: "1234", roles: ["readWrite"] })


    > use another
    > db.createUser({ user: "user", pwd: "1234", roles: ["readWrite"] })