what names should I give as project name, package name, class name - (java - eclipse )

There are some tips about naming:

  1. As you said classname have the capitalization of first letter of every word, eg. LongClassName
  2. Sun always preferred long names that explain clearly the meaning of the class (think about DefaultTableModel). Code1 is definetely not right, maybe FibonacciCalc or something that contains Fibonacci would fit better.
  3. Preprend Abstract if it's an abstract class
  4. Append Impl if it's an implementation of a particular interface
  5. Package names should start with org, com, it, etc (usually it was the backward URL of project repository or the nick of the coder)
  6. You should split your packages according to functionality, your example is really simple so there is not a way to do it.

Think about something more complex in which you have:


For starters, it's Fibonacci.

See Sun's java naming conventions for some details on package / class names.

Aside from that, the general rule of thumb is - all your names should be descriptive:

  • for class - what does it do (or what does it represent)
  • for package - what common functionality (goal) do all classes within that package provide (aim to achieve)

Your project name could be "fibonacci solver".
Your package could start by "com.silverkid.fibsolver"
Your main class would be "FibonacciSolver.java"


