What problems will I get creating a database per customer?

This solution is called a multi-tenant design where each tenant (customer) has their own database. Given that, there are some other considerations to the alternative approach which is a single database:

  1. With a single database, everyone must be on the same version no matter what. It isn't possible to upgrade some customers and not others. This can be problematic if a customer wants a hotfix of an application that isn't ready for wide release.
  2. With a single database, when you do an upgrade, every client is down. If something goes wrong, every client is screwed.
  3. With a single database, it is much more difficult to throttle resources. I.e., if one client is hammering the database, it is harder to give them more resources separate from everyone else.
  4. It is much more difficult to allow users to host their own versions of your application. If you are building a solution that will be used by large enterprises, this is often a non-starter. Their IT department wants complete control over access to the system.
  5. It is probably cheaper to scale out databases rather than scale them up. I.e., having to invest in faster hardware to host one database to rule them all is probably more expensive than being able to scale customers out to smaller, less expensive database servers. I can't say this one definitively because it depends greatly on the server software. If you stick with MySQL, this is probably true because the licensing costs are negligible. However, if you move up to SQL Server for example, scaling out becomes much more expensive unless you use a VPS environment and the cost-benefit of scaling up vs. scaling out changes. I can say, however, that once your database gets very large, management requires ever-greater levels of expertise. Very large databases require playing around with multiple filegroups and pushing certain indexes to different spindles to get better performance. In short, they get can complicated very quickly.

Having separate databases does mean you have to build an update mechanism which matches the database version with the application/site version. However, separate databases do provide superior isolation of data and IMO have a lower cost of hosting. It isn't a solution for all scenarios. If your system were never going to be hosted outside of your hosting and needed to scale up in customers rapidly and having all users on the same version of the application and database schema was desirable, then certainly having a single database is a better approach.

In my experience you shouldn't create one database per customer. Let me give you an example:

Last year I worked with 70 databases (a lot less than 5000), each with the same schema and all. In theory, things would go as planned (as you mention in the advantages section), but in reality not so much. We had many problems with updating schemas, user support, software update, you name it. It was awful.

We used Firebird and I was hired way after the product was shipped, but this gave me the knowledge to never work with separated databases.

I'm not saying you can't pull it off, I'm saying things can go very wrong and to be honest, your advantage list didn't sound appealing enough to take the risk. Most of them can be accomplished with a single database.

You'd likely want to keep another database to track what version each customer is at, so you could keep track of which ones have or haven't undergone the last round of modifications.

Scripting the upgrades wouldn't be that difficult ... you could write something that looks at the catalog of databases and applied the necessary changes to get each database to the latest version, possibly skipping those that shouldn't be upgraded for some reason.

As mysql 'databases' are just schemas, as Gaius pointed out, if it's all running from the same server instance, you can just qualify the name of the tables you're trying to modify, or get information out of:

alter schema.table ...
select ... from schema.table


If you start breaking things up across multiple servers, you can still script something that makes connections to multiple servers so you can apply all of the changes; for the analytics, again, you could set a bunch of database links using federated tables in your master database to access the data from one place, as you'd just be reading from the tables.


Also, be aware that they're not using mySQL for stack exchange, they're using SQL Server.

And I have no idea what sort of performance overhead there'd be in mysql at that scale, I don't think I've ever gotten past 30 'databases' in mysql.