What's a hard dependency and what's a soft dependency?
There are three different dependency parsers (implementations of Magento\Setup\Module\Dependency\ParserInterface
- code: looks for classes used in code
- config/xml: looks for dependencies in module declaration
- composer/json: looks for dependencies in composer.json
The only one that makes a distinction between hard and soft dependencies is the composer parser (see: Magento\Setup\Module\Dependency\Parser\Composer\Json::extractDependencies())
A soft dependency is a package, listed in "suggest", a hard dependency a package in "require".
The default dependency type is hard, that means dependencies found by the other parsers are always hard (see Magento\Setup\Module\Dependency\Report\Dependency\Data\Dependency::__construct()).
A simple and clear explanation (from the Magento U fundamentals course):
Hard dependency
Implies that a module cannot function without the other modules on which it depends.
Example of hard dependencies include:
- The module contains code that directly uses logic from another module (instances, class constants, static methods, public class properties, interfaces and traits).
- The module contains strings that include class names, methods names, class constants, class properties, interfaces, and traits from another module.
- The module de-serializes an object declared in another module.
- The module uses or modifies the database tables used by another module.
has a hard dependency on Magento_Store
Soft dependency
Implies that a module can function without the other modules on which it depends.
Example of soft dependencies include:
- The module directly checks another module's availability.
- The module extends another module's configuration.
- The module extends another module's layout.
has a soft dependency on Magento_CatalogImportExport
with code like this:
if (!$model instanceof \Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product\Type\AbstractType) {
throw new \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException(
'Entity type model must be an instance of'
. ' \Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product\Type\AbstractType'
If a module uses code from another module, it should declare the dependency explicitly.
EDIT: just noticed that this is also clearly explained in the official doc: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/architecture/archi_perspectives/components/modules/mod_depend.html