What's Python good practice for importing and offering optional features?

The try: method does not need to be global — it can be used in any scope and so modules can be "lazy-loaded" at runtime. For example:

def foo():
        import external_module
    except ImportError:
        external_module = None 

    if external_module:
        print("You could be using a whizzy feature right now, if you had external_module.")

When your script is run, no attempt will be made to load external_module. The first time foo() is called, external_module is (if available) loaded and inserted into the function's local scope. Subsequent calls to foo() reinsert external_module into its scope without needing to reload the module.

In general, it's best to let Python handle import logic — it's been doing it for a while. :-)

You might want to have a look at the imp module, which basically does what you do manually above. So you can first look for a module with find_module() and then load it via load_module() or by simply importing it (after checking the config).

And btw, if using except: I always would add the specific exception to it (here ImportError) to not accidently catch unrelated errors.

Not sure if this is good practice, but I created a function that does the optional import (using importlib) and error handling:

def _optional_import(module: str, name: str = None, package: str = None):
    import importlib
        module = importlib.import_module(module)
        return module if name is None else getattr(module, name)
    except ImportError as e:
        if package is None:
            package = module
        msg = f"install the '{package}' package to make use of this feature"
        raise ValueError(msg) from e

If an optional module is not available, the user will at least get the idea what to do. E.g.

# code ...

if file.endswith('.json'):
    from json import load
elif file.endswith('.yaml'):
    # equivalent to 'from yaml import safe_load as load'
    load = _optional_import('yaml', 'safe_load', package='pyyaml')

# code using load ...

The main disadvantage with this approach is that your imports have to be done in-line and are not all on the top of your file. Therefore, it might be considered better practice to use a slight adaptation of this function (assuming that you are importing a function or the like):

def _optional_import_(module: str, name: str = None, package: str = None):
    import importlib
        module = importlib.import_module(module)
        return module if name is None else getattr(module, name)
    except ImportError as e:
        if package is None:
            package = module
        msg = f"install the '{package}' package to make use of this feature"
        import_error = e

        def _failed_import(*args):
            raise ValueError(msg) from import_error

        return _failed_import

Now, you can make the imports with the rest of your imports and the error will only be raised when the function that failed to import is actually used. E.g.

from utils import _optional_import_  # let's assume we import the function
from json import load as json_load
yaml_load = _optional_import_('yaml', 'safe_load', package='pyyaml')

# unimportant code ...

with open('test.txt', 'r') as fp:
    result = yaml_load(fp)    # will raise a value error if import was not successful

PS: sorry for the late answer!