What's the difference between Docker Compose and Kubernetes?


  • Docker is the container technology that allows you to containerize your applications.
  • Docker is the core of using other technologies.

Docker Compose

  • Docker Compose allows configuring and starting multiple Docker containers.
  • Docker Compose is mostly used as a helper when you want to start multiple Docker containers and don't want to start each one separately using docker run ....
  • Docker Compose is used for starting containers on the same host.
  • Docker Compose is used instead of all optional parameters when building and running a single docker container.

Docker Swarm

  • Docker Swarm is for running and connecting containers on multiple hosts.
  • Docker Swarm is a container cluster management and orchestration tool.
  • It manages containers running on multiple hosts and does things like scaling, starting a new container when one crashes, networking containers ...
  • Docker Swarm is Docker in production. It is the native Docker orchestration tool that is embedded in the Docker Engine.
  • The Docker Swarm file named stack file is very similar to a Docker Compose file.


  • Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool developed by Google.
  • Kubernetes' goal is very similar to that for Docker Swarm.

Docker Cloud

  • A paid enterprise docker service that allows you to build and run containers on cloud servers or local servers.
  • It provides a Web UI and a central control panel to run and manage containers while providing all the Docker features in a user-friendly web interface.


Docker cloud "partially" discontinued

The services on Docker Cloud that provide application, node, and swarm cluster management will be shutting down on May 21 [2020]... automated builds and registry storage services, will not be affected and will continue to be available

In addition to @yamenk's answer, I'd like to add a few details here which might help people with their journey of understanding Kubernetes.

Short answer:

  • docker-compose: is a tool that takes a YAML file which describes your multi-container application and helps you create, start/stop, remove all those containers without having to type multiple docker ... commands for each container.
  • Kubernetes: is a platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. What? Keep reading...

Docker Compose

(from the docs): Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. Compose has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application:

  • Start, stop, and rebuild services
  • View the status of running services
  • Stream the log output of running services
  • Run a one-off command on a service


(from Introduction to Kubernetes): Kubernetes is a container orchestrator like Docker Swarm, Mesos Marathon, Amazon ECS, Hashicorp Nomad. Container orchestrators are the tools which group hosts together to form a cluster, and help us make sure applications:

  • are fault-tolerant,
  • can scale, and do this on-demand
  • use resources optimally
  • can discover other applications automatically, and communicate with each other
  • are accessible from the external world
  • can update/rollback without any downtime.

Many people argue that Kubernetes is hard to learn. It's because it solves a series of problems and people try to understand without knowing all the prerequisites. This makes it complicated. Start putting the pieces of the puzzle together by reading about concepts/terms like the following. This process will help you understand the kind of problems Kubernetes tries to solve:

  • 12-factor apps,
  • Automatic binpacking,
  • Self-healing mechanisms,
  • Horizontal scaling,
  • Service discovery and Load balancing,
  • Automated rollouts and rollbacks,
  • Blue-Green deployments / Canary deployments
  • Secrets and configuration management,
  • Storage orchestration

And because there are a lot of different things around containers and their management, keep an eye on the Cloud Native landscape:

Interactive version here: landscape.cncf.io/

enter image description here


May 2020: Docker Compose Specification is now an open standard

Working with AWS, Microsoft, and others in the open source community, we have extended the Compose Specification to support cloud-native platforms like Kubernetes, and Amazon ECS in addition to the existing Compose platforms. More here: blog / compose-spec.io

If you are networking containers withing the same host go for docker compose.

If you are networking containers across multiple hosts go for kubernetes.