What's the fastest way to copy a collection within the same database?

db.myoriginal.aggregate([ { $match: {} }, { $out: "mycopy" } ])

It is a lot faster than doing many inserts in a forEach loop.

You have a few options, but the fastest is:

mongodump -d db -c sourcecollection 
mongorestore -d db -c targetcollection --dir=dump/<db>/<sourcecollection.bson>


mongoexport -d db -c sourcecollection | mongoimport -d db -c targetcollection --drop

or in php:

`mongoexport -d db -c sourcecollection | mongoimport -d db -c targetcollection --drop`;

after that you have

mongo db < script.js

where, as shown in the mongo docs, script.js contains something like:

db.myoriginal.find().forEach( function(x){db.mycopy.insert(x)} );

The slowest (by an order of magnitude or more) way to copy a collection will be to use the native php driver - simply because of moving information around. But you could issue the above mongo query if you absolutely want to avoid cli calls using the db execute function.

Note: Read the answer Updates, they are important!

The most simple & efficient way is by using copyTo(), so you can use:


& if "target" doesn't exist, it will be created

-- Update --

According to CopyTo Documentation, Because copyTo() uses eval internally, the copy operations will block all other operations on the mongod instance. So it shouldn't be used on production environment.

-- Update --

Because CopyTo() uses eval() internally & eval() is deprecated since version 3.0, so CopyTo() is also deprecated since version 3.0.

