What's the golang equivalent of converting any JSON to standard dict in Python?

If you want a dictionary, use the Go type map[string]interface{} (which is a map with string keys and values of any type):

var data map[string]interface{}

And then you can refer to its elements like:


See this example:

s := `{"text":"I'm a text.","number":1234,"floats":[1.1,2.2,3.3],

var data map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &data)
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("text =", data["text"])
fmt.Println("number =", data["number"])
fmt.Println("floats =", data["floats"])
fmt.Println("innermap =", data["innermap"])

innermap, ok := data["innermap"].(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
    panic("inner map is not a map!")
fmt.Println("innermap.foo =", innermap["foo"])
fmt.Println("innermap.bar =", innermap["bar"])

fmt.Println("The whole map:", data)


text = I'm a text.
number = 1234
floats = [1.1 2.2 3.3]
innermap = map[foo:1 bar:2]
innermap.foo = 1
innermap.bar = 2
The whole map: map[text:I'm a text. number:1234 floats:[1.1 2.2 3.3]
    innermap:map[foo:1 bar:2]]

Try it on the Go Playground.


Basically if your map is multi-level (the map contains another map) like the "innermap" in the above example, when you access the inner map, you can use Type assertion to have it as another map:

innermap, ok := data["innermap"].(map[string]interface{})
// If ok, innermap is of type map[string]interface{}
// and you can refer to its elements.