What's the Mayan date?
Python 3, 149 \$\cdots\$ 145 140 bytes
from datetime import*
def f(d):
for i in[144000,7200,360,20,1]:s+=f".{n//i}";n%=i
return s[1:]
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Takes Gregorian date as [year, month, day]
list and returns Mayan date as f"{B'ak'tun}.{K'atun}.{Tun}.{Winal}.{Day}"
(loosely as a python f-string).
JavaScript (ES6), 96 bytes
Assumes that the system is set up to UTC time (as the TIO servers are)
Takes input as 3 distinct parameters (year, month, day)
(y,m,d)=>[144e3,7200,360,20,1].map(k=>n/(n%=k,k)|0,n=new Date(y+4e3,m-1,d+395335)/864e5).join`.`
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We can't safely pass a year \$y<100\$ to the Date
constructor, as it gets interpreted as \$1900+y\$. To work around this issue, we add \$4000\$ to the year. We make sure to use a multiple of \$400\$ so that we have the same properties regarding leap years.
The remaining number of days to reach Epoch from August 11, 3114 BCE + 4000 years is \$395335\$.
05AB1E, 54 52 bytes
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First step: compute the day number.
365 # literal 365
* # multiply
# => 365*year is left on the stack for now
Š # get the other two inputs
# => day is left on the stack
3‹ # is month less than 3? (returns 0 or 1)
¹α # absolute difference with year
4 # literal 4
т # 100
‚ # pair the two: [4, 100]
DP # product of (a copy of) the pair: 400
ª # append it to to the pair: [4, 100, 400]
÷ # int divide the year by each of those numbers
®β # convert from base -1: y/4 - y/100 + y/400
# => number of leap days is left on the stack
•ë˜¿• # compressed integer 15254545
º # mirrored: 1525454554545251
S # split to a list of digits
₂+ # add 26 to each: [27, 31, 28, 31, 30, ...]
²£ # month first values of that list
` # dump all on the stack
# => days in previous months is left on the stack
•H`Ø• # compressed integer 1136750
# => gregorian-mayan offset is left on the stack
O # sum the stack, giving the # of days since
Second step: convert that number to the appropriate notation.
ŽQí # compressed integer 6866
v } # for each digit:
₂y- # 26 - digit (20, 18, 20, 20)
‰R` # divmod, reverse, then dump
# (pushes the mod then the div)
) # wrap the stack in an array
R # reverse
'.ý # join by "."