What's the point of Perl's map?

Any time you want to generate a list based another list:

# Double all elements of a list
my @double = map { $_ * 2 } (1,2,3,4,5);
# @double = (2,4,6,8,10);

Since lists are easily converted pairwise into hashes, if you want a hash table for objects based on a particular attribute:

# @user_objects is a list of objects having a unique_id() method
my %users = map { $_->unique_id() => $_ } @user_objects;
# %users = ( $id => $obj, $id => $obj, ...);

It's a really general purpose tool, you have to just start using it to find good uses in your applications.

Some might prefer verbose looping code for readability purposes, but personally, I find map more readable.

First of all, it's a simple way of transforming an array: rather than saying e.g.

my @raw_values = (...);
my @derived_values;
for my $value (@raw_values) {
    push (@derived_values, _derived_value($value));

you can say

my @raw_values = (...);
my @derived_values = map { _derived_value($_) } @raw_values;

It's also useful for building up a quick lookup table: rather than e.g.

my $sentence = "...";
my @stopwords = (...);
my @foundstopwords;
for my $word (split(/\s+/, $sentence)) {
    for my $stopword (@stopwords) {
       if ($word eq $stopword) {
           push (@foundstopwords, $word);

you could say

my $sentence = "...";
my @stopwords = (...);
my %is_stopword = map { $_ => 1 } @stopwords;
my @foundstopwords = grep { $is_stopword{$_} } split(/\s+/, $sentence);

It's also useful if you want to derive one list from another, but don't particularly need to have a temporary variable cluttering up the place, e.g. rather than

my %params = ( username => '...', password => '...', action => $action );
my @parampairs;
for my $param (keys %params) {
    push (@parampairs, $param . '=' . CGI::escape($params{$param}));
my $url = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . '?' . join('&', @parampairs);

you say the much simpler

my %params = ( username => '...', password => '...', action => $action );
my $url = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . '?'
    . join('&', map { $_ . '=' . CGI::escape($params{$_}) } keys %params);

(Edit: fixed the missing "keys %params" in that last line)

The map function is used to transform lists. It's basically syntactic sugar for replacing certain types of for[each] loops. Once you wrap your head around it, you'll see uses for it everywhere:

my @uppercase = map { uc } @lowercase;
my @hex       = map { sprintf "0x%x", $_ } @decimal;
my %hash      = map { $_ => 1 } @array;
sub join_csv { join(',', map {'"' . $_ . '"' } @_ }



