What's the rationale behind the HTTP Date header?
Per the spec, it is used in age calculations. If you don't know what time the server thinks it is, you won't be able to calculate the "age" of a resource. Here's the relevant text from the spec:
Summary of age calculation algorithm, when a cache receives a response:
is the value of Age: header received by the cache with this response.
is the value of the origin server'sDate:
is the (local) time when the cache made the request that resulted in this cached response
is the (local) time when the cache received the response
is the current (local) timeapparent_age = max(0, response_time - date_value); corrected_received_age = max(apparent_age, age_value); response_delay = response_time - request_time; corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay; resident_time = now - response_time; current_age = corrected_initial_age + resident_time;