What's the recommended way of rendering a Blazor component dynamically?

You have to create a RenderFragment, and use that as a renderer of your polymorphic component... I've used the default Blazor's template Counter component as a parent (CounterParent), and then the CounterChild inherits the CounterParent. I hope it helps!! Regards!

@page "/"

@foreach (CounterParent counter in components)
    RenderFragment renderFragment = (builder) => { builder.OpenComponent(0, counter.GetType()); builder.CloseComponent(); };
        <div>Before the component</div>
        <div>Afterthe component</div>

    List<CounterParent> components = new List<CounterParent>() { new CounterParent(), new CounterChild() };

You could use a switch statement that checks the types. You can place components in each of the cases, or render your li however you like.

    @foreach (fruit in fruits)
            case PearComponent p:
                <PearComponent ParameterOfSomeSort="p"></PearComponent>
                <li>Or render pears like this, if you want the li in it</li>
            case AppleComponent a:
            case BananaComponent b:
            case RaspberryComponent r: