What's wrong with this "proof" that Gödel's first incompleteness theorem is wrong?

There are at least two problems here.

First, when you say "we take this process to infinity and just keep going", that is a very informal description, and without spending some work on making it more concrete you have no good reason to expect it can actually be made to work.

Fortunately, such work has in fact been done, and the standard way of making it concrete is to speak about process steps indexed by transfinite ordinal numbers, which I'm going to suppose is what you are proposing.

Then, however, a real problem arises: Gödel's procedure only works when the original theory is recursively axiomatized, that is, it is computable whether a given proposed sentence is one of its axioms or not. In order to do this for one of your intermediate theories, you need to be able to algorithmically describe the process that produced the theory. And there is (vividly speaking, but can be made precise) so far to infinity that there are not enough Turing machines to describe the structure of each of the theories you encounter along the way. So at some point you're going to approach a point where the process that produced the axioms you already have is so complex that the combined theory is not recursively axiomatized anymore, and then the incompleteness theorem stops working.

A second, comparatively minor, problem comes later in your argument:

since the set of first order sentences is countable, the set of Gödel sentences is countable as well (since it is a subset of the set of first order sentences). Therefore we can in this procedure described above enumerate all possible Gödel sentences.

This argument seems to be the form: "There are a countable infinity of foos in total; here we have a set of countably-infinite many foo; therefore the set contains all of them", which is not valid -- consider e.g. the situation where a "foo" is a natural number and the set in question contains all the perfect squares.

(Note also that you don't seem to have defined what a "possible Gödel sentence" means, which you really ought to do before claiming that you have all of them).

Taking this argument, refined by Henning Makholm's observation about quantifying it with ordinals, and combining it with the fact the conclusion of the the incompleteness theorem says you can't actually achieve your goal proves an interesting theorem:

Theorem: There are countable ordinal numbers that cannot be computed by Turing machine

I don't think I've encountered this before, but I found some references on this phenomenon. Here are wikipedia links:

  • Recursive ordinal — those well-orderings that can be expressed by computable functions
  • Churck-Kleene ordinal — the first nonrecursive ordinal. It is countable.
  • Large countable ordinal — more stuff

In my opinion, what's going here in regard to computable functions is really the same phenomenon as uncountability is in set theory. Compare, for an infinite set $S$,

  • "$S$ is recursively enumerable" means "there is a computable bijection $\mathbb{N} \to S$"
  • "$S$ is countable" means "there exists a bijection $\mathbb{N} \to S$"

The only difference between the two notions is what kind of functions we allow: whether we draw functions from a universe of sets or merely from the universe of Turing machines.

In alternative language emphasizing this analogy, Gödel proves that every complete, consistent extension of PA is computably uncountable. The limitations of your argument are the fact that you can't reach the first computably uncountable ordinal $\omega_1^{CK}$.

Some belated comments on your self-written answer:

This is all more or less correct. There's a theory referred to as "True Arithmetic", which is the set of all sentences in the language of arithmetic which are true in "the intended model".⁽¹⁾ By definition, True Arithmetic is consistent and complete, so by the first incompleteness theorem it must not be recursively enumerable. It follows that, for any theory of arithmetic T which is recursively enumerable, the set of sentences of True Arithmetic that T cannot prove is itself not recursively enumerable, as you observed.

I do have a nitpick with one thing you wrote, though it's not essential to the reasoning:

By " in principle" I mean that if an oracle told us the next godel sentence of this enumeration every time we asked for it, we could, using this oracle, enumerate all the godel sentences in my construction, and thereby "bypass" the limitations implied by godel's theorem.

This is all fine,⁽²⁾ as long as we keep in mind that the "next" Gödel sentence in the enumeration will not correspond with with the "next" theory as ordered by the corresponding ordinals. We do not in fact need an oracle to tell us the next sentence in the latter sense: the oracle is needed to give a single uniform listing of all the Gödel sentences, but the order in which it produces that list cannot correspond with the ordering of the corresponding ordinals.

To illustrate this, recall that your original idea depended on (recursive) lists of ordinals going some way beyond the finite ones. Such lists do indeed exist, but the order of the list cannot correspond to the natural order of the ordinals, since otherwise we'd never get past the finite ones. For example, here's a recursive list of all ordinals below ω+ω (where ω is the first infinite ordinal): 0, ω, 1, ω+1, 2, ω+2, ...

⁽¹⁾ The reference to "the intended model" is needed in order to accommodate the following fact: for any recursively enumerable theory of arithmetic T, there are models of T, i.e. sets of "numbers" together with definitions of 0, 1, +, and · which satisfy the axioms of T, and which are not "the intended model" because e.g. a given Gödel sentence is false in those models. This fact is a result of applying Gödel's completeness theorem (not to be confused with his incompleteness theorems!) to the existence a Gödel sentence.

Technically, the well-definedness of "the intended model", and hence of True Arithmetic, depends on the assumption that all sentences in the language of arithmetic do in fact have a "correct" truth value - an assumption that most working mathematicians take for granted, but that some people interested in the foundations of mathematics reject or at least question: see for instance http://jdh.hamkins.org/question-for-the-math-oracle/

⁽²⁾ If by "bypassing Gödel's theorem" you mean that the list of axioms obtained at the end of this process should be complete, i.e. sufficient for deducing all sentences of True Arithmetic, you might need to be careful about not only which Gödel sentences you list, but what order you list them in: this is the subject of ordinal notations, which I've mostly avoided except to note that the Church-Kleene ordinal, which we're effectively using here, doesn't have a recursively enumerable one.

There is more detail on this in the answers to https://mathoverflow.net/questions/67214/pi1-sentence-independent-of-zf-zfconzf-zfconzfconzfconzf-etc - a question close in spirit to yours, though it uses ZFC instead of Peano arithmetic, and the second incompleteness theorem rather than the first.