What sizes should you allocate to the /, /boot, /home and swap

/boot does not need a lot of space (say 1 Go).

/swap used to be twice the RAM on old configurations, now with more than 2 Go of ram, you won't need more than 2 Go of swap.

/ is important and difficult to scale : will you install a lot of stuff ? Will you use other directories than /home to save things (web server/ftp files for example) ? If you don't, 10 Go would be very good for a ubuntu.

/home need to be as big as possible for you to enjoy your linux distro

Create swap at the beginning of your drive, 2x your physical RAM is a good guideline. Boot can be pretty small if you want to make it a separate partition, a gig or less. You want make your root partition big enough that you have space to install more applications later but not so big that you feel cramped in your home partition.

Here's what I would do if I was building your system:

  • 4GB swap
  • <1GB boot
  • 30GB /
  • the rest /home