What tables are affected by Change Data Capture

First you have to enable CDC at database level.

USE database_name
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db 

Then you have to enable CDC at table level

USE database_name
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table 
@source_schema = N'dbo', 
@source_name   = N'table1', 
@role_name     = NULL 

Below query will tell you what tables have cdc enabled

SELECT [name], is_tracked_by_cdc  
FROM sys.tables 


What I'm trying to find is for a given Lsn, which cdc tables have a record

I guess this is not relevant, as when enabling a CDC, you will have






The __$start_lsn and __$end_lsn will correspond to the table itself that you have enabled CDC ON.

I dont see a need where you have to do a table search based on LSN to find out the table name - unless I am not comprehending your question.

You can even look up in the system tables





cdc.lsn_time_mapping => Returns one row for each transaction having rows in a change table. This table is used to map between log sequence number (LSN) commit values and the time the transaction committed.


Read up : An Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Change Data Capture by Brad McGehee and Introduction to Change Data Capture (CDC) in SQL Server 2008 by Pinal Dave.