whats sql code example

Example 1: what is sql

Structured Query Language

A language which enables a user to create, modify and
essentially interact with a database.
Two of the most common Database Management Engines are
MySQL: https://www.mysql.com/
PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/

Example 2: whats sql

Structured Query Language

Example 3: what is SQL

SQL full form is a structured query language, and it allows you to interact through commands with the database. Here are some of the SQL Database functions:

This allows users to retrieve information from the relational database.
It enables the development of tables and databases.
It allows data base and tables to be modified, added, removed, and changed.
It gives protection, and allows permission to be set.
Allows new ways for people to manage the info.

Example 4: whats sql

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It’s the language of choice on today’s web for storing,
manipulating and retrieving data within relational databases. Most, if not all of the websites you visit
will use it in some way.
Using SQL, you are able to interact with the database by writing queries, which when executed,
return any results which meet its criteria.

Example 5: what is sql

SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing
data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing
in a relational data stream management system.

Example 6: SQL

CREATE TABLE friends (
   id INTEGER,
   name TEXT,
   birthday DATE

INSERT INTO friends (id, name, birthday) 
VALUES (1, 'Jane Doe', '1990-05-30');

INSERT INTO friends(id , name , birthday)
VALUES(2 , 'APOORV' , '2000-2-2');

UPDATE friends
SET name = 'Jane Srivastava'
WHERE id = 1;

ALTER TABLE friends 

UPDATE friends 
SET email =  '203029@klsafjls'
where id  = 1; 

UPDATE friends 
SET email =  '203029@klsafjls'
where id  = 2;

DELETE FROM friends 
WHERE id = 1;

FROM friends;


Css Example