When is it appropriate to use virtual methods?

First a slightly pedantic remark - in C++ standardese we call them member functions, not methods, though the two terms are equivalent.

I see two reasons NOT to make a member function virtual.

  • "YAGNI" - "You Ain't Gonna Need It". If you are not sure a class will be derived from, assume it won't be and don't make member functions virtual. Nothing says "don't derive from me" like a non-virtual destructor by the way (edit: In C++11 and up, you have the final keyword] which is even better). It's also about intent. If it's not your intent to use the class polymorphically, don't make anything virtual. If you arbitrarily make members virtual you are inviting abuses of the Liskov Substitution Principle and those classes of bugs are painful to track down and solve.
  • Performance / memory footprint. A class that has no virtual member functions does not require a VTable (virtual table, used to redirect polymorphic calls through a base class pointer) and thus (potentially) takes up less space in memory. Also, a straight member function call is (potentially) faster than a virtual member function call. Don't prematurely pessimize your class by pre-emptively making member functions virtual.

When you design a class you should have a pretty good idea as to whether it represents an interface (in which case you mark the appropriate overrideable methods and destructor virtual) OR it's intended to be used as-is, possibly composing or composed with other objects.

In other words your intent for the class should be your guide. Making everything virtual is often overkill and sometimes misleading regarding which methods are intended to support runtime polymorphism.

If your code is following a particular design pattern, then your choice should reflect the DP's own principles. For example, if you are coding a Decorator pattern, the function that should be virtual are the ones that belong to the Component interface.

Otherwise, I'd like to follow an evolutional approach, IOW I don't have virtual methods until I see that a hierarchy is trying to emerge from your code.

It's a tricky question. But there are some guidelines / rule of thumbs to follow.

  1. As long as you do not need to derive from a class, then don't write any virtual method, once you need to derive, only make virtual those methods you need to customize in the child class.
  2. If a class has a virtual method, then the destructor shall be virtual (end of discussion).
  3. Try to follow NVI (Non-Virtual Interface) idiom, make virtual method non-public and provide public wrappers in charge of assessing pre and post conditions, so that derived classes cannot accidentally break them.

I think those are simple enough. I definitely let the ABI part of the reflexion away, it's only useful when delivering DLLs.