When should I mention the Shroud Sabotage, if at all?

Depends. Do you want to cure the Genophage? If yes, then blab about it all the time. The first time you try you will be interrupted, but still get Paragon points. If you do not want to cure the Genophage, keep mum.


Not revealing the sabotage will let you keep Mordin from dying, but Wrex will attack you. Curing the Genophage will result in a heroic death for Mordin.

There are plenty of outcomes here. Obviously you can cure the genophage which is all nice cupcakes and rainbows but in times of war you need to do what's hard and assure multiple allies. To that end the best thing to do is to allow the sabotage.

When you are in the final talk with Mordin you can try and delay him (wont work) or you can tell him of the sabotage. If you stick to the 'evil' plan but don't have enough renegade or paragon points you will only have two options "I'm not stopping you" or "I will stop you". If you do have enough renegade points, avoid using the renegade interrupt and instead choose "I will stop you". A renegade prompt appears allowing you to shoot Mordin in the back and prevent him from curing the genophage.

This causes the Krogan to believe they are cured and the Salarians happy because there will not be a Krogan uprising. This nets you two more armies for your fight against the Reapers.

Ultimately the Salarians get scared and commit their fleets and resources anyway down the road so...

If you sabotage the cure, then later in the game you're forced to kill Wrex since he knows what you did. This will result in you losing the Krogan war assets and support so.