when to use float or double code example

Example: float vs double

float pie = 22/7f;
float pieby4096 = pie/4096;
double dpie = 22/7d;
double dpieby4096 = dpie/4096;
System.out.println("Float Pie is - " + pie);
System.out.println("Double pie is - " + dpie);
System.out.println("Float Pie divided by 4096 - " + pieby4096);
System.out.println("Double Pie divided by 4096 - " + dpieby4096);
double pieby4096usingfloatpie = pie/4096;
System.out.println("Float Pie divided by 4096 with result as double - " + pieby4096usingfloatpie);


Misc Example