When using AES and CBC, is it necessary to keep the IV secret?

From Wikipedia:

An initialization vector has different security requirements than a key, so the IV usually does not need to be secret. However, in most cases, it is important that an initialization vector is never reused under the same key. For CBC and CFB, reusing an IV leaks some information about the first block of plaintext, and about any common prefix shared by the two messages.

You don't need to keep the IV secret, but it must be random and unique.

Although in your case the IV should be okay in plaintext in the DB, there is a severe vulnerability if you allow the user to control the IV.

The IV in decryption is used (and only used) to XOR the first block into the final plaintext - so if an attacker can control the IV they can arbitrarily control the first block of data, and the rest of the plaintext will survive without modification.

enter image description here

If the attacker knows the original plaintext of the first block, then the problem is magnified again as the attacker can choose arbitrary data for the first block without trial and error.

This is particularly important in the case where encrypted data is being transmitted through untrusted channels with the IV, maybe into a browser or an app etc.