Where are my installed applications?

You can discover where a package puts its 'stuff' by running:

dpkg -L 'packagename'

There's still a set of 'standard' locations that programs are put into. For example, binaries (in windows parlance 'executables') are put in /usr/bin, and documentation is put in /usr/share/doc in a Ubuntu system.

This is a pretty simplistic answer. For more details about how linux/unix directories are typically structured, see this:


The executables are located in the /usr/bin folder. I guess pressing Alt+F2 and typing


will do. It might also fall under the Applications menu > Internet.

To uninstall already installed software, you can:

  1. Go to Software-center. Find the software and remove.
  2. Open a terminal, and type

    sudo apt-get remove <software-name>

If you do not know the complete name, just type a few characters of the application, and press tab twice. That will auto complete, or show a list of matching applications.

There are some very good answers to a similar question to yours over at

What is the Linux equivalent to Windows' Program Files?

But the general idea is that the /bin and /usr/bin are where the start up application files (executables or scripts) are stored. The direct equivalent of "Program Files" though is probably /usr/share this is the directory that contains the various support files for most applications

For a good overview of the Ubuntu file structure check out the link below.
