Where are the Glassfish access logs

Here are details. In Glassfish administration console, open your server configuration "HTTP Service" page and check enabled "Access Logging". The "Format" field supports common or combined as shortcut values.

Available variables for format may be found here, but it is partial too, as the recent time-taken is lacking.

Another option is to edit domain.xml to set these parameters:

<config name="server-config">
  <http-service access-logging-enabled="true">
    <access-log format="common"></access-log>
    <virtual-server id="server" network-listeners="http-listener-1,http-listener-2">
      <http-access-log iponly="true"/>

Domain configuration values for access-log are listed at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19776-01/820-4507/abhaz/index.html

The http-access-log node in virtual-server allows to set the target directory thanks to the log-directory attribute: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19776-01/820-4507/abhcm/index.html

the path seems correct, have a look at this link http://blog.igorminar.com/2009/12/configuring-common-access-log-format-in.html It shows where you enable access logging in glassfish

In case of dead link...

In your GlassFish console you can change the access log format to common or combined

glassfish console

You can also use asadmin to make this config change:

asadmin set server.http-service.access-log.format="combined"

After a restart the log now uses the requested format:

0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 - - [21/Dec/2009:07:42:45 -0800] "GET /s/1722/3/_/images/icons/star_grey.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 - - [21/Dec/2009:07:42:45 -0800] "GET /images/icons/add_space_32.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 - - [21/Dec/2009:07:42:45 -0800] "GET /images/icons/feed_wizard.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 - - [21/Dec/2009:07:42:45 -0800] "GET /images/icons/people_directory_32.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0