Where can I find list with web-safe fonts?

There's no absolute safety, unless you're going with generic classes like "serif", "sans-serif" etc.

Here are some resources that can give you an idea about the most prevalent fonts:

  • https://web.archive.org/web/20160610001431/http://www.awayback.com/revised-font-stack/
  • http://cssfontstack.com/

You'll see that no single font exists on all operating systems. The best thing you can do is to use a font stack that covers the greatest percentage and hope for the best. Using a sensible font stack is the way to go...

You can generator font from here also http://www.font2web.com/ & you can use Google fonts also http://www.google.com/webfonts

There is no definitive list of web safe fonts that I have found. The research gave me some basic idea but then I had to experiment on my own machines. I wanted something that would work on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. Luckily I had one of each.

There are 5 types of fonts recognized by HTML, namely serif, sans-serif, monospace, fantasy, and cursive. However, I see 6 types myself, being as cursive breaks down into scripts and handwritten fonts in my mind. What I came up with for 'web safe' font stacks is as follows:

/* Web Safe Font Stacks */
.head { font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; } /* H1-H6 */
.para { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } /* Paragraphs, body text */
.mono { font-family:'Courier New', Courier, monospace; } /* code, pre, etc. */
.fant { font-family: Papyrus, Impact, fantasy; } /* Fantasy */
.curs { font-family:'Apple Chancery', 'Lucida Calligraphy', cursive; } /* Cursive */
.hand { font-family:'Comic Sans MS', Chalkboard, cursive; } /* Handwritten */

I hope that helps...