Where can I find more wallpaper packages?
I was wondering if there are any wallpaper packages around
Sure, quite a lot actually. They can be found in your package management like any other package.
wallpapers which are as good as the pre-installed ones
Is a really subjective requirement and there's no definite single answer to your question because of this.
Obvious things to try from here: Use the wallpaper
and/or background
keywords in...
- finding high-rated listings in the Software Center.
- searching on
or by issuingapt-cache search wallpaper background
on the command-line.
Make sure the universe
and multiverse
repositories are enabled for a wider set of artwork. Feel free to try out any package and remove the ones you don't like.
If you get bored of downloading a lot of wallpapers packages and still in search of some more then Variety will quench your thirst
Installing Variety
open terminal by CTRL+ALT+T and execute these commands to add repository and install it.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install variety
Then open
from DashAnd get started to dig a lot of features. More you dig more features and wallpaper you'll get.
I have been using it for a very long time and fully satisfied. Could not find any better than this. Thanks to Peter Levi!
- See more about variety
Source: peterlevi.com/variety/