Where do I put all these interfaces?

Coding to interfaces goes far beyond being able to test code. It creates flexibility in the code allowing a different implementation to be swapped in or out depending on product requirements.

Dependency Injection is another good reason to code to interfaces.

If we have an object called Foo that is used by ten customers and now customer x wants to have Foo work in a different way. If we have coded to an interface (IFoo) we just need to implement IFoo to the new requirements in CustomFoo. As long as we don't change IFoo there is not much needed. Customer x can use the new CustomFoo and other customers can continue to use old Foo and there need be few other code changes to accommodate.

However the point I really wanted to make is that interfaces can help eliminate circular references. If we have an object X that has a dependency on object Y and object Y has a dependency on object X. We have two options 1. with object x and y have to be in the same assembly or 2. we have to find some way of breaking the circular reference. We can do this by sharing interfaces rather than sharing implementations.

/* Monolithic assembly */
public class Foo
    IEnumerable <Bar> _bars;
    public void Qux()
       foreach (var bar in _bars)

    /* rest of the implmentation of Foo */

public class Bar
    Foo _parent;
    public void Baz()
    /* do something here */
    /* rest of the implementation of Bar */

If foo and bar have completely different uses and dependencies we probably do not want them in the same assembly especially if that assembly is already large.

To do this we can create an interface on one of the classes, say Foo, and refer to the interface in Bar. Now we can put the interface in a third assembly shared by both Foo and Bar.

/* Shared Foo Assembly */
public interface IFoo
    void Qux();

/* Shared Bar Assembly (could be the same as the Shared Foo assembly in some cases) */
public interface IBar
    void Baz();
/* Foo Assembly */
 public class Foo:IFoo
    IEnumerable <IBar> _bars;
    public void Qux()
       foreach (var bar in _bars)

    /* rest of the implementation of Foo */
/* Bar assembly */
public class Bar:IBar
    IFoo _parent;
    /* rest of the implementation of Bar */
    public void Baz()
        /* do something here */

I think there is also an argument for maintaining the interfaces separate from their implementations and treating these sightly differently in the release cycle as this allows interoperability between components that were not all compiled against the same sources. If fully coding to interfaces and if interfaces can only be changed for major version increments and not on minor version increments then any component components of the same major version should work with any other component of the same major version regardless of the minor version. This way you can have a library project with a slow release cycle containing just interfaces, enums and exceptions.

Here's a suggestion, if almost all of your interfaces are to support only one class, just add the interface to the same file as the class itself under the same namespace. That way you don't have a separate file for the interface which could really clutter the project or need a sub folder just for interfaces.

If you find yourself creating different classes using the same interface, I would break the interface out into the same folder as the class unless it becomes completely unruly. But I don't think that would happen because I doubt you have hundreds of class files in the same folder. If so, that should be cleaned up and subfoldered according to functionality and the rest will take care of itself.

It depends. I do this: If you have to add a dependent 3rd party assembly, move the concrete versions out to a different class library. If not, they can stay side byside in the same directory and namespace.

Before I discuss organization:

Well, now I foresee a reason: mocking.

You can mock with classes, as well. Subclassing works well for mocking as an option instead of always making interfaces.

Interfaces are incredibly useful - but I would recommend only making an interface if there is a reason to make an interface. I often see interfaces created when a class would work fine and be more appropriate in terms of logic. You shouldn't need to make "hundreds of interfaces" just to allow yourself to mock out implementations - encapsulation and subclassing works quite well for that.

That being said - I typically will organize my interfaces along with my classes, as grouping related types into the same namespaces tends to make the most sense. The main exception is with internal implementations of interfaces - these can be anywhere, but I will sometimes make an "Internal" folder + an Internal namespace that I use specifically for "private" interface implementations (as well as other classes that are purely internal implementation). This helps me keep the main namespace uncluttered, so the only types are the main types relating to the API itself.