Where do the real analytic Eisenstein series live?
This is kind of a complicated question, since there isn't really a single good answer.
We begin with a simple Lie group $G$ (for simplicity!). On the one hand, we hopefully have a description of the unitary representations of $G$. On the other hand, we may want to understand how spaces such as $L^2(H\backslash G)$, where $H$ may be trivial or discrete or maximal compact or etc), decompose into unitary representations of $G$ (that it will decompose is known on general (highly nontrivial) principles). At least two issues arise.
First, what does it mean for a representation to "appear" in the decomposition of $L^2(H\backslash G)$? We'd like it to mean that there exists an $f\in L^2(H\backslash G)$ such that $f$ generates the representation. This can't possibly work in general, and it already fails for $L^2(\mathbb R)$. Basically, whenever $H\backslash G$ is not compact, there will be a "continuous" part to the decomposition made up of unitary representations that can't be found as subrepresentations of $L^2(H\backslash G)$. Personally, a priori, it is surprising to me that you can integrate a bunch of stuff not in $L^2$ and wind up with something in $L^2$. But then, I think about Fourier inversion and Paley-Wiener theorems, and it's not so surprising. (In fact, if you believe your future will contain a nontrivial amount of harmonic analysis, you should try to become well-acquainted with Fourier theory.)
Now, there are functions on $H\backslash G$ that generate these representations and they usually aren't very far from being in $L^2(H\backslash G)$ (like $e^{ix}$ on $\mathbb R$ and Eisenstein series on $\Gamma\backslash\mathfrak H$), but there really is no way to force them in there. A person might wonder why a benevolent God would allow this to happen, but that is outside of my expertise.
Second, which representations will appear in $L^2(H\backslash G)$? For example, the trivial representation appears in $L^2(H\backslash G)$ if and only if $H\backslash G$ has finite volume. And complementary series representations don't seem to appear at all (usually)! (This is Selberg's Conjecture.)
On a hopefully more helpful note, with certain definitions of a Schwartz space on $H\backslash G$, you can realize these functions as tempered distributions (meaning continuous linear functionals on the Schwartz space). In fact, the space of functions with uniform moderate growth on $\Gamma\backslash \mathfrak H$ contains Eisenstein series and is contained in the dual of the Schwartz space for $\Gamma\backslash\mathfrak H$. See some of Casselman's work, here and here. In a different direction, there is Schmid and Miller's work on automorphic distributions, e.g. here.
For any $s\in\mathbb{C}$, the Eisenstein series $E(z,s)$ does not live in $L^2(\Gamma\backslash\mathcal{H})$, where $\mathcal{H}$ is the upper half-plane. It is "smallest" when $\Re(s)=1/2$ in which case it almost lives there, namely it is in $L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash\mathcal{H})$. In this case we can also regard $E(z,s)$ as a function $E(g,s)$ in $L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash G)$ which is right invariant by $K=SO_2(\mathbb{R})$. Applying the Maass raising and lowering operators on $E(g,s)$ results in functions in $L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash G)$ which transform by a character of $K$ under the right $K$-action. The vector space generated by these Maass shifts is the automorphic representation associated with $E(g,s)$: it is an infinite dimensional subspace $V\subset L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash G)$ consisting of $K$-finite functions. It is also useful to consider the closure of $V$ in $L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash G)$ or natural spaces in between these two extremes: e.g. the set of functions whose partial derivatives all lie in $L^{2-\epsilon}(\Gamma\backslash G)$.
Surely there is not a single good answer, since the question is about how to legitimize "generalized eigenvectors", and there is no single-best notion of "legitimize".
As in other answers, one interpretation of Eisenstein series is as being in the dual to "rapidly decreasing" functions. This has various weaknesses.
"Continuous, moderate growth" is a better space for many purposes, but, note, it does not contain $L^2$ (!), but does contain suitable positively-indexed Sobolev spaces [sic].
There are interesting difficulties in understanding what "moderate growth" (of a given exponent) might mean, if/when one wants these spaces to be representation spaces for $G$ on $\Gamma\backslash G$. The most naive-and-appealing definitions of topological vector space structures are not $G$-stable, for elementary reasons, but sensible adaptations are easy, when one allows (by now 60-year-old) topological vector space notions.
In a different direction, note that the Plancherel theorem for afms does not depend upon knowing a space in which $E_{1/2+it}$ lies, any more than the usual Plancherel for Fourier transform on $\mathbb R$ depends on knowing "where $e^{i\xi x}$ lies".