Where is that snake going?

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 16+83=99 bytes

Library import statement (16 bytes):


Actual function body (83 bytes):


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Note that the question just ask for the number of Hamiltonian path in the graph.

However, (for some reason) the HamiltonianPath function doesn't really work with directed graph (example). So, I used the workaround described in this Mathematica.SE question:

  • Add an vertex (called True) that is connected to all other vertices.
  • Count the number of Hamiltonian cycle on the resulting graph.

The graph is constructed using MakeGraph (annoyingly there are no directly equivalent built-in), using the boolean function ##||Norm[#-#2]==1&, which returns True if and only if one of the arguments is True or the distance between the two vertices are 1.

Tr[1^x] cannot be used instead of Length@x, and <2 cannot be used instead of ==1.

HamiltonianPath can be used if the graph is undirected, with the function body takes 84 bytes (exactly 1 byte more than the current submission):


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Jelly, 12 11 bytes


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ŒṪ               Positions of snake blocks.
  Œ!             All permutations.
                 For each permutation:
    ạƝ€             Calculate the absolute difference for each neighbor pair
       §            Vectorized sum.
                 Now we have a list of Manhattan distance between snake
                    blocks. Each one is at least 1.
        ÐṂL      Count the number of minimum values.
                    Because it's guaranteed that there exists a valid snake,
                    the minimum value is [1,1,1,...,1].

JavaScript (ES6), 154 134 bytes


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Starting from each possible cell, we flood-fill the matrix, clearing all cells on our way. Whenever the matrix contains no more 1's, we increment the number n of possible paths.

Each valid path is counted 4 times because of the direction chosen on the last cell, which actually doesn't matter. Therefore, the final result is n / 4.

Recursive function

Instead of calling the recursive function g() from the callback of the second map() like this...


...we define the recursive function g() directly as the callback of map():


Despite the rather long formula y=1/y?y:Y which is needed to set the initial value of y, this saves 2 bytes overall.

Commented code

m =>                           // given the input matrix m[][]
  m.map((r, Y) =>              // for each row r[] at position Y in m[][]:
    r.map(g = (                //   for each entry in r[], use g() taking:
      _,                       //     - the value of the cell (ignored)
      x,                       //     - the x coord. of this cell
      y,                       //     - either the y coord. or an array (1st iteration),
                               //       in which case we'll set y to Y instead
      r = m[y = 1 / y ? y : Y] //     - r = the row we're currently located in
    ) =>                       //       (and update y if necessary)
      r && r[x] &&             //     do nothing if this cell doesn't exist or is 0
      [-1, 0, 1, 2].map(d =>   //     otherwise, for each direction d,
        r[                     //     with -1 = West, 0 = North, 1 = East, 2 = South:
          r[x] = 0,            //       clear the current cell
          /1/.test(m) ?        //       if the matrix still contains at least one '1':
            g(                 //         do a recursive call to g() with:
              _,               //           a dummy first parameter (ignored)
              x + d % 2,       //           the new value of x
              y + ~-d % 2      //           the new value of y
            )                  //         end of recursive call
          :                    //       else (we've found a valid path):
            ++n,               //         increment n
          x                    //       \_ either way,
        ] = 1                  //       /  do r[x] = 1 to restore the current cell to 1
      )                        //     end of map() over directions
    ),                         //   end of map() over the cells of the current row
    n = 0                      //   start with n = 0
  ) | n / 4                    // end of map() over the rows; return n / 4