Where is the default index.jsp file in a Java EE project in NetBeans?

In NetBeans by default, if you create a project with no added frameworks, no deployment descriptor (file web.xml) is provided.

To change it, right click on the project and select New>Other>web>Standard Deployment Descriptor(web.xml).

Now edit the web.xml file and set


in order to change the default to file newjsp.jsp.

Explicitly for Tomcat...

If no web.xml file is provided in the application, the default web.xml($CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml) of Tomcat is supplied to the application. This deployment descriptor has the following lines:

<!-- -->
<!-- If you define welcome files in your own application's web.xml -->
<!-- deployment descriptor, that list *replaces* the list configured -->
<!-- here, so be sure to include any of the default values that you wish -->
<!-- to use within your application. -->


That is why the index.jsp file is shown by default.

Make sure the JSP code file is not in the Web-Inf directory. It should be in the Web Pages directory.

If you are using NetBeans you need to click right the button on your project and then properties. A new pop up window will open, and on the left menu there will be a label called Run. Click there and then in the "relative URL". You should input:


And that's all!