Where is the "impossible space" in Portal 2?


In the entity list, there is a linked_portal_door for this purpose; it is used in the Death Trap (in map sp_a4_finale2.bsp):

This entity is designed to link two separate, distant areas together without any clear transition between the two. This entity is exclusive to Portal 2.

It is used in Chapter 9, in the Chamber 75 Death Trap with all the crap turrets. The room is actually completely separate from its supposed surroundings. It is the only use of this entity in the final version of the game, though commentary states that it was used a lot during the development of the title to link chambers together.

I guess that the development team first made the rooms separate so that they could wipe a bad room, then connect them later when the levels were more perfect, and I suppose that this room didn't fit.


Here is a picture of the Death Trap that isn't connected to the other rooms:

alternate view

Near the threshold and a tiny step (noclip fly) to either side:


You might want to skip the commentary and long walk and go to 04:30. From here on he shows the box from outside at the three locations (before box, in box, after box); he first does this slowly, then at a later point he goes between all of them in quicker succession. This might show the trick better than above pictures.

Thanks to Jon Ericson in the comments for finding this video.

That does make sense in The Part Where He Kills You, but they had to put that in because the room was moving.

There was one in chapter 4 when you escape from Glados light bridge experiment. I wanna say it's test chamber 22. Anyway, once the lights turn off, you are in a different and similar room. It doesn't make too much sense to duplicate the room cause they didn't have to.

Anyway here is the part where Wheatley comes to save you:

enter image description here

You can see two distinct test chamber rooms. The test chamber one with the entrance that you came in from:

entrance room

You'll notice that the rest of the level is missing from this room. It should extend from the near right side.

Then there is a completely different one that is missing an entrance that connects to the escape from Glados.

escape room

And here is a shot that shows both the rooms in the same load from the escape side.

both rooms from the escape side

And from the entrance side

Both rooms from the entrance side

What is interesting about this isn't that they did it, it's why they did it. As far as I can tell, there was no reason to other than because they could or because this is what they left in for us to find.

However, I totally agree with the death trap theory. I checked that out and they stuck that turret room somewhere else. They couldn't use the room that moved because of all the destructive animation they had just done on the left side of the room. If you watch that room crash into the wall, you'll see a lot of stuff deforming inwards which would have poked through to the turret room.

I have to say though, after searching around the game for this, the level designers did an awesome job of placing everything together in a linear fashion. There as some levels I was sure wouldn't work out, but they crammed it all together quite nicely when you look at it.

My guess is


The distance between

Moon and Earth

doesn't seem to have been conserved.


Portal 2