Where is the .zshrc file on Mac?

The ~/.zshrc doesn’t exist by default in macOS so you need to create it. The ~/ translates to your user’s home directory and the .zshrc is the ZSH configuration file itself.

So just open up a Terminal — or iTerm — window and create that file like this; I am using nano as a text editor but feel free to use whatever text editor you feel comfortable with:

nano ~/.zshrc

And then set the ZSH_THEME value to whatever value you want to use like this:


Now to save the file in nano just hit ctrl+X. When it prompts:

Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?

Just type “Y” and then you will get a new prompt which looks something like this; just note the path /Users/giacomo/ will match your local user’s path:

File Name to Write: /Users/giacomo/.zshrc

Now just hit return and the file will be saved and you will now be back to the command line prompt in the Terminal. If you now exit from the Terminal and then open a new window, the ~/.zshrc settings should now be loaded in.

The .zshrc file is not present by default in macOS Catalina, we need to create it.

Steps for creation:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type touch ~/.zshrc to create the respective file. (touch command will create the .zshrc in your current directory but it will be hidden)
  3. Hit Return

To view/open ~/.zshrc you can do either of two things:

  1. Open Finder > Press Cmd+Shift+.


  1. Open Terminal > and type: open ~/.zshrc

I am using macOS High Sierra, MacBook Pro.

After I installed a Theme, I also needed to change the ZSH_THEME.

For me, ~/.zshrc was already present in my Home directory, but it was Hidden.

I used Cmd + Shift + . to show the hidden files in Finder, then opened the ~/.zshrc files with my editor. Updated it and saved it. It worked fine.