Where is Tomcat Console Output on Windows

If we assume your install is in C:\program files\apache software foundation\apache-tomcat{ver}\

then it is inside, in the log directory, in a file catalina.out.

C:\program files\apache software foundation\apache-tomcat{ver}\logs\catalina.out

It's worth to note the name of the file depends on your configuration, also the name of the logs directory can be different depending on configuration but I assume you preserved default config.

In Windows (I am using Windows 10) you should do these to check the running application's logs:-

  1. Install Notepad++
  2. Open C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat {ver}\logs\tomcat{ver}-stdout.{date}.log in Notepad++
  3. Open View menu and enable 'Monitoring' in Notepad++