Which Eclipse version should I use for an Android app?

Update July 2017:

From ADT Plugin page, the question must be unasked:

The Eclipse ADT plugin is no longer supported, as per this announcement in June 2015.

The Eclipse ADT plugin has many known bugs and potential security bugs that will not be fixed.

You should immediately switch to use Android Studio, the official IDE for Android. For help transitioning your projects, read Migrate to Android Studio.

I literally did this 1 hour ago.

  1. SDK R7
  2. Get Java - if you don't have (its the first image link JDK)
  3. Get Eclipse - it's the first on the list with the most downloads
  4. Android Plugin

Download the appropriate files for your OS. The Android SDK needs java in order to install. Once you get the Android SDK installed go get eclipse and install that. Basically download the file and unzip then in a directory. The android install is the same but it will install a lot more files. (5) Finally open eclipse and go to help > install new software >> and add the url to the plugin - I used this one https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/

The easiest solution is to download the Android SDK bundle:


The ADT Bundle provides everything you need to start developing apps, including a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools) to streamline your Android app development.