Which exception terminates process ? (iis's w3wp)

Found it.
Richter to the rescue.

The professional term is called : corrupted state exceptions (CSE'e)

Corrupted State Exceptions (CSE): These are the exceptions which cannot be caught. Behind the scene Environment's FailFast method throws one of these exceptions. Hence, it cannot be caught and your application ends with an unhandled exception.

From book :

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more :

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important :

Note: Even with the attribute HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions, we cannot handle the following exceptions, for a given reason:

  • StackOverflowException - As this is a hardware failure and there is no more stack available for further processing (Thanks Abel Braaksma for pointing this out).

  • ExecutionEngineException - It occurs because of heap memory corruption and hence cannot be handled further (Reference).

Another helpful link via Abhishek Sur :
