Which files to version control in mplabx nbproject directory?
We use Mercurial for our embedded projects at the office, including MPLAB X. I came up with the following guidelines for the team when Mercurializing MPLAB X projects:
- Version all of the source files in the project root directory (duh)
- Version the Makefile in the project root directory
Inside \nbproject, version the following:
- configurations.xml
- project.properties
- project.xml
Inside \nbproject\private, version everything:
- configurations.xml
- private.properties
- private.xml
This works well for us where we have varying operating systems and varying versions of MPLAB X. Cloning the repo and opening it works, MPLAB X will recreate the missing files and away you go. The only nuisance will be having to select your own programmer/debugger in project config, but there's no avoiding that - MPLAB X tracks the tools by serial number.
Before starting all this, we also figured out that we need the compilers to be installed in a common location (C:\Microchip\MPLABXC16\vX.XX, C:\Microchip\MPLABXC32\vX.XX, etc.) because depending on 32-bit or 64-bit O/S they end up in \Program Files or \Program Files (x86) which was problematic. I don't think this is still necessary with the above versioning scheme - YMMV.
From http://microchip.wikidot.com/faq:72
Which files in an MPLAB® X Project should be under version control?
The following table lists project files that either need or do not need to be committed to a version control repository.
Directory or File(s) Commit?
Project Directory
Makefile Yes
Source files Yes
build directory No
dist directory No
nbproject directory
configurations.xml Yes
project.properties Yes
project.xml Yes
Makefile- * No
Package- * No
private directory No
Yes: Required to generate the project image. No: These directories/files are regenerated and therefore do not need to be saved.