Which is the objective of an Base-emitter resistor?

R2 is used to prevent a floating base. It gives it a defined state, in case the node labeled 2.8V isn't connected. It's a weak pull-down resistor. A floating pin, not pulled to a known state, will act like a mini-antenna, and can float high or low many times and turn the transistor on and off at random.

If that node is driven all the time, either high or low, then R2 is superfluous and can be removed. If the node is connected to for example a microcontroller gpio, that can go High-Impedence/Input (likely at start-up), then R2 keeps the transistor off until the microcontroller goes into output mode.

If the transistor is actually a Mosfet, then R2 is a small drain resistor. Mosfets have a capacitance that may keep it on, if not drained.

Many transistors allow a small amount of leakage current from the collector to the base. If nothing were connected to the base of the transistor, that current could bias the base-emitter junction to 0.7 volts and then get amplified by the transistor, such that the total amount of leakage current sunk to ground would be the emitter-base leakage current multiplied by the transistor's current gain.

Adding R2 provides an alternative path for collector-base leakage; if R2 is small enough that the voltage across it stays below 0.7 volts, current that flows through R2 will still represent leakage from the collector to ground, but it won't be amplified.

In some applications, the amount of leakage current--even amplified--may be small enough not to be objectionable. Adding R2, however, will often cut the leakage current by more than an order of magnitude.


