Who's gonna win the football game?

MATL, 51*0.9 = 45.9 54 57 58 63 bytes

Thanks to Dennis for removing 3 bytes!

'%i To %i'j0h!3'PDFTS'tkXc=s4:Hh*sSPYD3MdXK?kK0<?Xk

An empty input string is represented in the online compiler as a single newline character.

EDIT (June 8, 2016): The link below includes a modification as per release 18.1.0 of the language (move he first 3 right before Xc)

Try it online!

I bet on the Broncos.


The scores are detected using a single letter, either upper or lowercase (uppercase is shown in the following):

  • P for XP (1 point)
  • D for XD (2 points)
  • F for FG (3 points) and for FCK (3 points)
  • T for TD (6 points)
  • S for S (2 points)

Each of these five letters corresponds uniquely to a score event except that

  • F is reused for FG and FCK, which have the same score. Thanks to @Dennis for this!
  • D will detect both TD and XD. So T will be assigned 4 points instead of 6 to compensate.

The ordering PDFTS, saves a few bytes when defining the number array that specifies the points: [1,2,3,4,2].

Each event is detected by the presence of one of the above letters in uppercase or lowercase. The comparison is done in three dimensions: input string length (N) × number of teams (2) × number of detected score events (5). Extensive use is made of broadcasting, which is the automatic expansion of an array along a singleton dimension to match the size of a larger array.

'%i To %i'  % string with format specifiers for two integers
j0h         % input string. Attach 0 so it's never empty. Gives string of length N>0
!           % transpose into char array of size N×1
3           % number literal
'PDFTS'     % characters to detect the five combined types of score
tk          % duplicate and convert to lowercase
Xc          % concatenate along the third dimension to produce a 1×5×2 array
=           % test for equality with broadcast. Gives N×5×2 array
s           % sum along 1st dim. Gives 1×5×2 array
4:Hh        % array [1,2,3,4,2] to compute the total score. Size 1×5(×1) 
*           % multiply with broadcast. Gives 1×5×2 array
s           % sum along 2nd dim. Gives 1×1×2 array with the two scores
SP          % sort in reverse order along 3rd dim
YD          % sprintf. Gives output string with "To"
3M          % push array with the two scores again
dXK         % difference along 3rd dim. Gives a number. Copy to clipboard K
?           % is it non-zero? If so we need to make either lowercase or uppercase
  k         %   make (tentatively) lowercase
  K0<       %   did the uppercase team win?
  ?         %   if so...
    Xk      %     make uppercase
            % implicitly end the two if's and display string

CJam, 57 55 54 53 50 49 bytes


Try it online!

I have no idea what a Bronco is, so I'll bet on the Panthers.

How it works

q                              Read all input from STDIN.
 _                             Push a copy.
  32f^                         XOR all characters with 32. This swaps case.
      ]                        Wrap both strings in an array.
       {                 }%    Map; push the string S, then:
        "PSFTD"                    Push that string (T).
               f#                  Compute the index of each character of S in T.
                 :)                Increment each index.
                   5Yer            Replace 5's with 2's.
                       1b          Add the resulting integers.
                                       "FG"  -> [3 0]      -> 3
                                       "TD"  -> [4 2]      -> 6
                                       "XP"  -> [0 1]      -> 1
                                       "XD"  -> [0 2]      -> 2
                                       "S"   -> [2]        -> 2
                                       "FCK" -> [3 0 0]    -> 3
                                       (lowercase letters) -> 0

                               We've now computed the scores of the first (input)
                               and second (swapped case) team.

_$                             Push a copy of the array of scores and sort it.
  (                            Shift out the first (lower) score.
   @                           Rotate the array of scores on top.
    :-                         Reduce it by subtraction.
      g                        Compute the sign (1, 0 or -1) of the difference.
       "ToTOto"2/              Push ["To" "TO" "to"].
                 =             Select the string that corresponds to the sign.
                  \            Swap it with the lower score.
                   ]           Wrap the entire stack in an array.
                    S*         Join the resulting array, separating by spaces.

Pyth, 49 46 43 42 bytes (37.8 bytes with bonus)

jr" to "xh._-FJmsmhx"PSFT"kXd\D\S,rz2z2_SJ

Thanks to @Maltysen for helping me save 4 bytes!

Try it in the Pyth Compiler.

I like covering all bases, so I'll bet on the Broncos.

How it works

jr" to "xh._-FJmsmhx"PSFT"kXd\D\S,rz2z2_SJ Input: z

                                  rz2      Swap the case of z.
                                 ,   z     Pair the result with z.
               m                           Map; for each d in the pair:
                           Xd\D\S            Replace each D with an S.
                 m                           Map; for each character k:
                   x"PSFT"k                    Compute k's first index on "PSFT".
                  h                            Increment the index.
                s                            Compute the sum of the incr. indices.
                                               "FG"  -> [3, 0]     -> 3
                                               "TD"  -> [4, 2]     -> 6
                                               "XP"  -> [0, 1]     -> 1
                                               "XD"  -> [0, 2]     -> 2
                                               "S"   -> [2]        -> 2
                                               "FCK" -> [3, 0, 0]  -> 3
                                               (lowercase letters) -> 0
              J                            Save the resulting list of scores in J.
            -F                             Reduce J by subtraction.
          ._                               Compute the sign of the difference.
         h                                 Add 1.
        x                             2    XOR the result with 2.
 r" to "                                   Pick‡ a function and apply it to " to ".
                                       _SJ Sort and reverse the list of scores.
j                                          Join, separating by the modified string.

r is a family of functions that operate on strings.

  • If the first score in J (corresponding to swapped case z, i.e., the original lowercase letters) is lower than the second score, the sign function will return -1, (-1 + 1) ^ 2 == 2 and r" to "2 is swapcase, so it returns " TO ".

  • If the first score is higher than the second score, the sign function will return 1, (1 + 1) ^ 2 == 0 and r" to "0 is lowercase, so it returns " to ".

  • If the scores are equal, the sign function will return 0, (0 + 1) ^ 2 == 3 and r" to "3 is title, so it returns " To ".