Why are my Gradle builds dying with exit-code 137?

I've had similar issue on DigitalOcean's server, my gradle build failed completely on test stage with very similar stacktrace and without a single test being executed.

It is stated in Gradle docs that gradle daemon should not be run in CI environments. So I just added --no-daemon to my build command and everything worked well and good. Also stopping daemon with ./gradlew --stop has been useful, but it worked only for a single build - the next one also failed.

My build command:

./gradlew build --no-daemon

This issue seems to be related to Linux rather than Gradle as stated in the Jenkins docs:

In cases where virtual memory is running short the kernel OOM (Out of Memory) killer may forcibly kill Jenkins or individual builds. If this occurs on Linux you may see builds terminate with exit code 137 (128 + signal number for SIGKILL). The dmesg command output will show log messages that will confirm the action that the kernel took.
