Why can DateTime.MinValue not be serialized in timezones ahead of UTC?
The main problem is DateTime.MinValue
has DateTimeKind.Unspecified
kind. It is defined as:
MinValue = new DateTime(0L, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
But this is not a real problem, this definition leads to problem during serialization. JSON DateTime serialization done through:
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonWriterDelegator.WriteDateTime(DateTime value)
Unfortunately it is defined as:
if (value.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc)
long num = value.Ticks - TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(value).Ticks;
if ((num > DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks) || (num < DateTime.MinValue.Ticks))
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(XmlObjectSerializer.CreateSerializationException(SR.GetString("JsonDateTimeOutOfRange"), new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value")));
So it doesn't take into account Unspecified
and treats it as Local
. To avoid this situation you can define your own constant:
MinValueUtc = new DateTime(0L, DateTimeKind.Utc);
MinValueUtc = DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime();
It looks weird of course, but it helps.
If your time zone is GMT+1, then the UTC value of DateTime.MinValue
in your time zone is going to be an hour less than DateTime.MinValue
using this constructor:
public DataContractJsonSerializer(Type type, IEnumerable<Type> knownTypes, int maxItemsInObjectGraph, bool ignoreExtensionDataObject, IDataContractSurrogate dataContractSurrogate, bool alwaysEmitTypeInformation)
example code:
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(o.GetType(), null, int.MaxValue, false, new DateTimeSurrogate(), false);
public class DateTimeSurrogate : IDataContractSurrogate
#region IDataContractSurrogate 成员
public object GetCustomDataToExport(Type clrType, Type dataContractType)
return null;
public object GetCustomDataToExport(System.Reflection.MemberInfo memberInfo, Type dataContractType)
return null;
public Type GetDataContractType(Type type)
return type;
public object GetDeserializedObject(object obj, Type targetType)
return obj;
public void GetKnownCustomDataTypes(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Type> customDataTypes)
public object GetObjectToSerialize(object obj, Type targetType)
if (obj.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
DateTime dt = (DateTime)obj;
if (dt == DateTime.MinValue)
dt = DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime();
return dt;
return dt;
if (obj == null)
return null;
var q = from p in obj.GetType().GetProperties()
where (p.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) && (DateTime)p.GetValue(obj, null) == DateTime.MinValue
select p;
q.ToList().ForEach(p =>
p.SetValue(obj, DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime(), null);
return obj;
public Type GetReferencedTypeOnImport(string typeName, string typeNamespace, object customData)
return null;
public System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration ProcessImportedType(System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit)
return typeDeclaration;
Try to add this on any DateTime Member
[DataMember(IsRequired = false, EmitDefaultValue = false)]
Most of these erros happens because the default value of the datetime
is DateTime.MinValue
which is from year of 1 and the JSON serialization is from year 1970.