Why do linked servers have a limitation of 10 branches in a CASE expression?

Clearly there isn't a nested CASE expression here.

Not in the query text, no. But the parser always expands CASE expressions to the nested form:

        WHEN 'a' THEN '1' 
        WHEN 'b' THEN '2' 
        WHEN 'c' THEN '3' 
        WHEN 'd' THEN '4' 
        WHEN 'e' THEN '5' 
        WHEN 'f' THEN '6' 
        WHEN 'g' THEN '7' 
        WHEN 'h' THEN '8' 
        WHEN 'i' THEN '9' 
        WHEN 'j' THEN '10' 
        WHEN 'k' THEN '11'  
FROM AdventureWorks2012.Production.Product AS p

Local query plan

That query is local (no linked server) and the Compute Scalar defines the following expression:

Nested CASE expression

This is fine when executed locally, because the parser does not see a nested CASE statement over 10 levels deep (though it does pass one on to the later stages of local query compilation).

However, with a linked server, the generated text may be sent to the remote server for compilation. If that is the case, the remote parser sees a nested CASE statement more than 10 levels deep and you get error 8180.

Another oddity. This inline table-valued function produces the same error

The in-line function is expanded in-place into the original query text, so it's no surprise the same error results with the linked server.

But a similar multi-statement TVF works fine

Similar, but not the same. The msTVF involves an implicit conversion to varchar(max), which happens to prevent the CASE expression being sent to the remote server. Because the CASE is evaluated locally, a parser never sees an over-nested CASE and there is no error. If you change the table definition from varchar(max) to the implicit type of the CASE result - varchar(2) - the expression is remoted with the msTVF and you will get an error.

Ultimately, the error occurs when an over-nested CASE is evaluated by the remote server. If the CASE is not evaluated in the Remote Query iterator, no error results. For example, the following includes a CONVERT that is not remoted, so no error occurs even though a linked server is used:

SELECT CASE CONVERT(varchar(max), SUBSTRING(p.Name, 1, 1))
        WHEN 'a' THEN '1' 
        WHEN 'b' THEN '2' 
        WHEN 'c' THEN '3' 
        WHEN 'd' THEN '4' 
        WHEN 'e' THEN '5' 
        WHEN 'f' THEN '6' 
        WHEN 'g' THEN '7' 
        WHEN 'h' THEN '8' 
        WHEN 'i' THEN '9' 
        WHEN 'j' THEN '10' 
        WHEN 'k' THEN '11'  
FROM SQL2K8R2.AdventureWorks.Production.Product AS p

CASE not remoted

My hunch is that the query is getting re-written somewhere along the way to have a slightly different CASE structure, e.g.

CASE WHEN column = 'a' THEN '1' ELSE CASE WHEN column = 'b' THEN '2' ELSE ...

I believe this is a bug in whatever linked server provider you're using (in fact perhaps all of them - I've seen it reported against several). I also believe you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for a fix, either in the functionality or the confusing error message explaining the behavior - this has been reported for a long time, involves linked servers (which haven't had much love since SQL Server 2000), and impacts far fewer people than this confusing error message, which has yet to be fixed after the same longevity.

As Paul points out, SQL Server is expanding your CASE expression to the nested variety, and the linked server doesn't like it. The error message is confusing, but only because the underlying conversion of the expression is not immediately visible (nor intuitive in any way).

One workaround (other than the function change you added to your question) would be to create a view or stored procedure on the linked server, and reference that, instead of passing the full query through the linked server provider.

Another (assuming your query really is this simplistic, and you just want the numeric coefficient of letters a-z) is to have:

SELECT [col] = RTRIM(ASCII([column])-96)
FROM LinkedServer.database.dbo.table;

If you absolutely need this to work as is, I suggest you contact support directly and open a case, though I can't vouch for the results - they may just provide you with workarounds you already have access to on this page.

you can get around this by

CASE SUBSTRING(p.Name, 1, 1)
    WHEN 'a' THEN '1' 
    WHEN 'b' THEN '2' 
    WHEN 'c' THEN '3' 
    WHEN 'd' THEN '4' 
    WHEN 'e' THEN '5' 
    WHEN 'f' THEN '6' 
    WHEN 'g' THEN '7' 
    WHEN 'h' THEN '8' 
    WHEN 'i' THEN '9' 
CASE SUBSTRING(p.Name, 1, 1)
    WHEN 'j' THEN '10' 
    WHEN 'k' THEN '11'  
FROM SQL2K8R2.AdventureWorks.Production.Product AS p