Why does Arg'[1. + I] return -0.5?
The internal Trace[]
Kuba advises shows calculations consistent with the numeric approximation of the partial derivative with respect to the real part:
D[ComplexExpand[Arg[x + I y], TargetFunctions -> {Re, Im}], x] /.
x -> 1 /. y -> 1
(* -(1/2) *)
This is what Mathematica does with the derivative of a numeric function with approximate input.
Other examples:
ClearAll[f, g];
f[x_?NumericQ] := Re[x]^2;
g[x_?NumericQ] := Im[x]^2;
f'[1. + I]
g'[1. + I]
It seems like the wrong way to evaluate Derivative
The definition of the argument is $\arg(z)=\text{Im}(\ln(z))$. Its partial derivative with respect to $z$ would then be
$$ \frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial z}= \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\frac{\ln(z)-\ln(z^*)}{2i} = -\frac{i}{2z}. $$
What you see looks like twice the real part of this expression:
With[{z = 2. + 5 I},
{Arg'[z], 2Re[-I/(2z)]}]
(* {-0.172414, -0.172414} *)
I don't know in which sense this is the "correct" answer. It could be that what is actually calculated is not the partial derivative with respect to $z$, but rather the partial derivative with respect to the real part of $z$:
$$ \frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial\text{Re}(z)} =\frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial z}\frac{\partial z}{\partial\text{Re}(z)} +\frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial z^*}\frac{\partial z^*}{\partial\text{Re}(z)}\\ =\frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial z} +\frac{\partial \arg(z)}{\partial z^*} = -\frac{i}{2z}+\frac{i}{2z^*} = -\frac{\text{Im}(z)}{|z|^2} $$
With[{z = 2. + 5 I},
{Arg'[z], 2Re[-I/(2z)], -Im[z]/Abs[z]^2}]
(* {-0.172414, -0.172414, -0.172414} *)