Why does changing an Array in JavaScript affect copies of the array?

Well, the only possible answer — and the correct one — is that you're not actually copying the array. When you write

var copyOfArray = array;

you're assigning a reference to the same array into another variable. They're both pointing at the same object, in other words.

So everyone here has done a great job of explaining why this is happening - I just wanted to drop a line and let you know how I was able to fix this - pretty easily:

thingArray = ['first_thing', 'second_thing', 'third_thing']
function removeFirstThingAndPreserveArray(){
  var copyOfThingArray = [...thingArray]
  return copyOfThingArray;

This is using the ... spread syntax.

Spread Syntax Source

EDIT: As to the why of this, and to answer your question:

What is the difference between an array and a number in JavaScript that it seems changing an array changes the value of a copy of the array, where as changing a number does not change the value of a copy of the number?

The answer is that in JavaScript, arrays and objects are mutable, while strings and numbers and other primitives are immutable. When we do an assignment like:

var myArray = ['a', 'b', 'c']; var copyOfMyArray = myArray;

copyOfMyArray is really just a reference to myArray, not an actual copy.

I would recommend this article, What are immutable and mutable data structures?, to dig deeper into the subject.

MDN Glossary: Mutable

Cloning objects -

A loop / array.push produces a similar result to array.slice(0) or array.clone(). Values are all passed by reference, but since most primitive data types are immutable, subsequent operations produce the desired result - a 'clone'. This is not true of objects and arrays, of course, which allow for modification of the original reference (they are mutable types).

Take the following example:

const originalArray = [1, 'a', false, {foor: 'bar'}]
const newArray = [];

originalArray.forEach((v, i) => {

newArray[0] = newArray[0] + 1;
newArray[1] = 'b';
newArray[2] = true;
newArray[3] = Object.assign(newArray[3], {bar: 'foo'});

The operations run on the newArray indices all produce the desired result, except the final (object), which, because it is copied by reference, will mutate the originalArray[3] as well.


Note that array.slice(0) and array.clone() suffers from this same limitation.

One way to solve this is by effectively cloning the object during the push sequence:

originalArray.forEach((v, i) => {
    const val = (typeof v === 'object') ? Object.assign({}, v) : v;



An array in JavaScript is also an object and variables only hold a reference to an object, not the object itself. Thus both variables have a reference to the same object.

Your comparison with the number example is not correct btw. You assign a new value to copyOfMyNumber. If you assign a new value to copyOfMyArray it will not change myArray either.

You can create a copy of an array using slice [docs]:

var copyOfMyArray = myArray.slice(0);

But note that this only returns a shallow copy, i.e. objects inside the array will not be cloned.

