Why does Eclipse say that null is a primitive type?

Since the null-type is a subtype of Object, it's conceivably OK to invoke Object methods on null.

However, following that logic, since the null-type is a subtype of every reference type, we should be allowed to invoke any method of any class/interface on null. That'll be a mess.

Syntactically, null.toString() should be recognized as a method invocation expression at first, because null is a Primary expression. Then, to determine the class/interface to search for the method toString, JLS says

...The class or interface to search is T if T is a class or interface type, or the upper bound of T if T is a type variable

It is a compile-time error if T is not a reference type.

T is the null-type here; it is not a class type, interface type, or type variable, therefore this step should fail. However, does it fail because T is not a reference type?

Is the null-type a reference type? JLS says

The types ... are divided into two categories: primitive types and reference types

The numeric types are ....

The reference types are class types, interface types, [type variables,] and array types . [period!]

There is also a special null type.

Depending on your parsing of the text, null-type may or may not be a reference type. That is usually not really important; it's just a matter of categorization. But it leads to confusions, for example in this case -- the failure is because T is not a "proper" reference type, and the compiler deduces by mistake that it must be a primitive type then.



