Why does Entity Framework 6.x not cache results?

What @emcas88 is trying to say is that EF will only check the cache when you use the .Find method on DbSet.

Using .Single, .First, .Where, etc will not cache the results unless you are using second-level caching.

Sometimes I use my extension method:

using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace System.Data.Entity
    public static class DbSetExtensions
        public static TEntity FirstOrDefaultCache<TEntity>(this DbSet<TEntity> queryable, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> condition) 
            where TEntity : class
            return queryable
                .Local.FirstOrDefault(condition.Compile()) // find in local cache
                   ?? queryable.FirstOrDefault(condition); // if local cache returns null check the db


db.Invoices.FirstOrDefaultCache(x => x.CustomerName == "Some name");

You can replace FirstOrDefault with SingleOrDetfault also.

This is because the implementation of the extensor methods, use the Find method of the context


to verify first the cache. Hope it helps.