Why does Firefox return 0 as the value of $(window).height()

Try this function:

function GetBrowserDim() {
    if (window.innerHeight) {
        return { w: window.innerWidth, h: window.innerHeight};
    } else {
        return { w: document.body.clientWidth, h: document.body.clientHeight };

jQuery's $(window).height() is sensitive to doctype. Try <!doctype html> ?

The jQuery 1.8.1 release notes say

Don’t use Quirks mode! jQuery has never supported Quirks mode and we do not perform any testing in Quirks. This can affect values like $("window").height(), and the jQuery 1.8 Quirks mode results did change in order to support some modern browser features. The majority of problem cases we’ve seen are from developers that wanted to be in Standards mode but had an invalid doctype or extraneous markup before their tag. When in doubt, use the simple and short <!doctype html>.

For example, with jQuery 1.8.2 and Firefox 16, I get a valid $(window).height() with doctype html, but height 0 with doctype html5. In Chromium 20, both work. (The W3C HTML5 spec does say to use doctype html, not html5.)

$(window).height() and also $(window).width() return 0 in IE when in compatibility mode. Not check this in FireFox, may be the same. try to use $(document).height() or $(document).width() instead.