why does git treat some cpp files as binary?

Try adding the following line to your $repo/.git/info/attributes:

*.cpp crlf diff

You can specify it in gitattributes per-repo, per-user and per-system.

Basic check-list

• Do you actually have CRLF or LF line endings in your file?
Yes, CRLF — set core.autocrlf to true (at least for this repo).

• Does the file contain funny non-ASCII characters: umlauts, diacritics, emoji, kanji, copyright sigil ©, invisible esoteric spaces, etc?..
If yes, better ensure that all the stuff is encoded in UTF-8. Fuzzing with surrogate pairs isn't fun.

• Does the file content start with UTF-8 BOM?
Wipe it now, it makes no sense.

• Does the file content start with UTF16 BOM?
Too bad; I've got no good advice for you at this point; sorry. Contact your system vendor.

It is treating some files as binary, because they have wrong file encoding. It should work ok, if you convert those files to UTF-8 (or to the same encoding that in normal files). To change file encoding use notepad++ or any another way.

