Why does Intellij IDEA shows require undefined with nodejs?

I don't know why my version isn't quite the same (new version? Fresh install?) but my IntelliJ Ultimate didn't have the Node.js Core library @SergioFilhow mentioned.

I had to go to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Node.js and NPM: "Coding assistance for Node.js". After I configured this for my projects, the Node.js Core library showed up under Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries.

Open preferences page and select Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Libraries and select Node.js Globals, just like the image below.

No need to add Node.js core modules (I didn't add and worked the same way)

in this screen, select Node.js Globals

I had the same problem on windows, with IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3. The solution was:

File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Nodejs and NPM: Click "Enable" button next to Node.js Core library, accept defaults.